
6 Powerful Affirmations to Reset Yourself

Reset: To break free from our daily routines or patterns in order to recharge, find inspiration, rest, and do something that will ultimately recharge our internal battery.

The need to rest and reset

Lately, I’ve been needing a little reset. I had too many projects going on and was unable to focus or find the motivation to get anything done. So I decided to take a regular workday off in order to rest, which was almost impossible for me. But every time I started to get anxious or my mind started to pull me into guilt for not working – I reminded myself that my rest was productive. That in order to have a reset and much-needed realignment with my goals and motivation – I needed to rest.

Reset Yourself

You know when something in your home doesn’t work, is going too slow, or having a problem (I’m talking to you – my consistently slow internet connection) – the answer is always to reset. To unplug whatever your device is, wait 10 seconds, and then plug it back in. And for the most part, that usually works – right?

Why can’t we apply the same thought process to ourselves? To unplug for a bit, and come back refreshed and reset our bandwidth (read: the energy and mental capacity to deal with a situation) to tackle whatever is on our plate.

I was able to start the new week with these 6 powerful affirmations to reset yourself. I know they helped me, and I hope they will help you too!

6 Powerful Affirmations to Reset Yourself

  • Today is a fresh start and I reclaim it as my own.

  • My rest is productive and allows me to reset and realign.

  • I trust that there is no better moment to start than right now and that there is no such thing as too late.

  • I believe in the power of my dreams and my ability to reach them.

  • I am letting go of any negative self-beliefs or past disappointment and making space for something greater.

  • I will move forward today with a life I’m excited to lead.

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