
10 Good Day Affirmations!

When you are mindful and make the decision to have a good day, you can better control how you handle each situation. Instead of letting the day happen to you, you can let it happen for you.

Choosing to have a good day

When you wake up, what are your first thoughts? As you brush your teeth do you contemplate the day, you’re laundry list of to-dos? Sometimes the weight of the world can bring us down before we’ve even had our morning cup of coffee. Maybe some days you wake up and doubt yourself, while other days you realize how much of a badass you are.

One of the things that help me in the morning, regardless of the initial thoughts that flood my mind, is to affirm to myself that I will have a good day. That I will choose to make it a good day, no matter what happens because of the way I have framed it in my head. Since I control the way people and places make me feel.

I choose to have a good day.

Pick the good, leave the rest

This doesn’t mean that everything will go perfectly. I’m pretty sure absolutely “perfect” days are like that are the equivalent of a white whale. If you get one, revel in its glory! But it does mean that whatever the day brings you are set to look at it from an optimistic, growth mindset.

When you are mindful and make the decision to have a good day, you can better control how you handle each situation. Instead of letting the day happen to you, you can let it happen for you.

When I make the decision to have a good day, I am able to cherry-pick the good and leave the rest behind. For example, when I sit down to enjoy my cup of coffee – that’s a drop in my good day bucket. When I run into a challenge at work and solve it, that’s another drop. When I talk to a friend or a family member – another drop. If some guy cuts me off while I’m driving, but I didn’t flip him the bird – another drop. They start to add up fast when you’re looking!

I let all of the instances that would otherwise tip the scales for a bad day wash down the drain, while I hold tight to my good day bucket – admiring the shiny, outstanding cherries I’ve collected!

In order to get into the optimistic mindset, repeat these affirmations for a good day to yourself in the mirror, in a journal, or with a partner. I would choose one or two that resonate with you and repeat them to yourself for a week. Then come back, choose another few, and repeat for another week.

10 Good day affirmations

  1. I have a good day waiting for me to take advantage of it.
  2. I can handle any challenges that come my way with grace and gratitude.
  3. I have everything I need to make today a good day.
  4. I know that the potential for this day is limitless.
  5. I am worthy and deserving of a day that makes me happy.
  6. I choose to believe in myself and my capabilities to make this a good day.
  7. My goals are in front of me and I am excited to reach them.
  8. The opportunities and challenges that are ahead of me today will help me to grow.
  9. I will not stress over the things I can’t control.
  10. I am aligned for peace, prosperity, and abundance today.

So go out there and have a good day. Maybe you’ll even dare to be great!

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